Frequently Asked Questions

All the information about Rimaunangis will be here including who they are, what they are in general and how they system work


Rimaunangis Group is a collective group of companies that provide long-term, demand driven, agricultural commodity supply chains to create food security for nations.

It is a complete horizontal and vertical integration in Agriculture. The Group provides a range of Australian and New Zealand commodities to the ASEAN staple food produces to boutique, gourmet products.

Malaysia sets one of the highest, and cohesive, standards in Halal Certification globally, thus enabling Rimaunangis to take a central role in delivering the Halal Hub goal for beef in Malaysia. Rimaunangis provides complete cattle supply solutions, mitigating many risk associated with implementing a national beef strategy. It is able to guarantee supply of live cattle and this in-turn provides a continuity of beef supply dramatically reducing the reliance on beef imports to Malaysia.

Rimaunangis IoT-driven smart system can intelligently monitor as well as control the farm, eliminating the need for manual intervention. That data is stored in a cloud-based platform for further processing and control with minimal manual intervention. The development program is designed to emphasize process improvement to maximize productivity and quality assurance to run with local farmers aggregated under its supply chain. We ensure all collaborative partners and supplies meet our strict standards


Rimaunangis using real-world assets for insurance, allowing users to buy, sell, stake, earn, and develop NFT-based real assets and map surface. With ownership comes the opportunity to farming, build, collaborate, and turn your real world assets cattle & land into something more than the sum of its parts.

Rimaunangis elaborate and elevate consept of metaverse to another level that have impact in real world and community. You buy a right of a cattle and assets in metaverse but get the cattle or plantation in real world. Because this is not just a NFTs, this is when real world and virtual world combine.

Cycle system is another process of stacking, so to put it simply, the longer you hold or use long term service, the bigger profits you get, and the great thing about this are all of them have the same price floor, the only different are how long you keep your funds and you got great profits impact in each cycle, because our cycle have a tier level, where the tier itself has a different time span, the higher tier you choose the longer the stacking day process you got, but the more profits come to your pocket

You can do with buy at our partnership marketplace for crypto collectibles and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on Sangkaraland.io

They Accepts Paypal, Credit Cards, USDT, BUSD, and of course their official token are MISA Token first integrated and official partnership for this project, simply just go to the official of MISA Token and buy their coins and exchange or swap with our NFT

Crypto Networking